Monday 6 August 2012

Start Fresh

Assalamualaikum and Heellloooo! there everyone!its been a while since my last post.Well i got a lots a lots of things to do so that's the problem.But i'll promise you all that i will buy some time to update my blog.Ok,i got to lecture will noticed me,i'm updating my blog -.-"

"Start Fresh Everyone !"

Monday 26 March 2012

I'm Back !

Assalammualaikum semua,gile laa rindu aku dgan blog aku niey.Lama xberusik.Bkannye ape mcm-2 yg da belaku sbnarnye.Klaw nk dicite smpai taun depan pun belum tntu abis lagi niey.Tapi InsyaAllah,klaw ade mase ruang da peluang akan ku kongsi laa bersama-sama follower-2 setiaku.Aku pun da mula rasenye nk kmbali aktif meng"update"kn blogku ini.Maklum laa byak story-mory yg aku nk cite.Ok laa,smpai sini jelaa post wt ari niey.Post niey pun da makan mase 1 hari nk dipostkan.InsyaAllah post yg seterusnya aku akn mulakn cite gile-2 aku.Harap bersabar ok ?see ya! (V)