Thursday, 22 December 2011

My Record ?!!

Assalammualikum semua dan salam 1 "APE".Hahaha,terkejut ke ? sje je nk wt lawak ckit,klaw xterkejut wt-2 laa terkejut.Niey lawak murahan je niey,lawak yg expensive xmampu laa..haha.Ok-2,leave it behind for now..Now back to the topic !Pada tarikh 22 Disember 2011 beberapa jam yg lepas,aku pn xtau laa ntah mcm mne aku sedar-2 je da jam 4 da laa bkn a.m, tp p.m !Bley plak TERLANJUR smpai jam 4 petang.Aku pn xsngke.Sbelum niey record pling lewat aku bngun pn jam 2 p.m.WOW! i'm broke my own record ! yeah ! apesal aku happy pn aku xtau -.-".Tp laa kn,sedare aku pnah cite kt aku.Ade org yg lg POWER tahap gaban dri aku niey!Nk tau ?Seingat aku laa,sedara aku ckap..member diey pnah tido 2 Hari xbngun-2.Aku pn xtau laa,diey tido ke ataupun KOMA..haha.Tp mmg betul laa,member diey tuu tido smpai 2 hari.Dahsyat x dahsyat laa kn ?Yg peliknye tuu,warden diey bley plak x check kt dorm dorg.Niey lg 1 msalah,sedare aku ngan member diey pn da try kejutkan diey gak.Tp apekan daya,DIA SUDAH PERGI~ pergi ke alam mimpi yg jauh.2 hari x makan-2,agknye makan dalam mimpi kot?mne laa tau kn ?ade plak restaurant kt dlam alam mimpi.Anything is possible,Right?^^,
Ok,this my record..What's your's ?
Ok laa,mybe esok atau lusa..aku updatekn blek blog niey.Till then,see yaa ! >_<

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Lost ?!!

Assalamualikum sume,hope sumenye sihat-2 xmcm aku niey..demam,tp alhamdulilah laa da kurang da ckit dri ari tuu.Ok,ari niey aku nk share 1 lg cite,hope anda-2 sudi laa bace ye ?Pada 17 Disember yg lepas iaitu hari sabtu mlam ahad,member ku mengajakku ke seremban(nma Aiman) dgan tujuan utk menolongnye memperkenalkan Marvellous kt pnduduk-2 kt TTJ.Aku dgar kt TTJ tuu ade uptown yg bru nk dibina.Ok-2,back to the aku pn bersiap laa wlaupn penat sbb ada plawanan friendly pada petang tuu.Disebabkan diey da minta tolong,so..terpaksa laa aku tlong.Spe xnk tlong kwan kn ?Then,kte org pn gerak laa ke rumah sorg lg member aku(nma Farid).Tujuannye ialah nk sroh diey jdi driver sbb member aku yg lg sorang tuu xberapa nmpak sgat jalan bile malam.(p/s: bnyakkan makan carrots a.k.a lobak merah kpda sesiapa yg xnmpak jalan time drive malam).Lepas isi minyak je trus kte org gerak ke seremban.Smpai je kt seremban member aku niey call laa adik diey(nma Amri) yg da ade kt situ,sbb diey wt konsert kt TTJ tuu.Nama band diey Gen-X.Ahli Gen-X yg asalnye ade 4 org,tp sbb member aku yg sbaye dgan aku da abis SPM so diey pn trus join band Gen-X niey(nma Sal).So skang niey Gen-X ade 5 org ahli laa yg terdiri drpd vokalis-Mirul,lead-Effa,keyboard/rhythm-Amri,bass-Sal and drum-Paan.For your information..Aiman,Amri and Sal is actually siblings.Knpe title aku lost ? niey sbbnye...sblum nk smpai kt TTJ tuu,yg si Farid tuu diey first-2 sekali silap msuk jalan.Ntah mcm mne diey bley msok ke senawang.Then,msok laa ke jlan perumahan dgan tujuannye nk potong jlan tuu..ape skali trus xjmpe jlan yg nk ke TTJ tuu.Then,si Farid niey laa sroh Aiman call blek Amri tnye TTJ tuu yg kt jlan mne tp diey ckap diey tau jlan ke TTJ td.Ntah laa,mybe sbb da xkonfiden kot yg jlan mne 1 yg diey nk msok.Yg si Aiman pn 1,abis diey putar belitnye si Farid niey yg Farid niey slah jlan laa..Aku niey plak hnye mampu gelak jela kt sit belakang.At last,smpai laa gak kt kwasan TTJ 1 lg msalah timbul.Nak crik uptown kt TTJ pn xjmpe,puas laa pusing-2 kt family store kt situ.At first igatkan dkat-2 family store tuu..rupe-2nye,jeng..jeng..jeng..silap !tuu rumah org india wt mjlis kawin dorg.Haiiyooo !,da naik muak laa gak pusing-2 kt situ je..Last-2 si Farid niey try laa jlan kt depan ckit.Guess what ? kali niey mmg betul tmpat diey..memang lega laa sbb da jmpe tmpat dorg tuu.Smpai-2 je kt situ dorg tgh wt show,ptut laa call xangkat-2.Dlam 2-3 lgu abis bru laa kte org pegi back stage tuu nk jmpe dorg.Niey ade gambar ckit time dorg wt show.


Mirul Vokalis Gen-X
Ok,smpai sini saje laa cite yg aku nk share..Hope sume yg bace niey xsepening aku yg taip cite niey.Aku yg taip sendiri pn xpham ape yg aku tgah taipkan.Klaw ade bende xpham ringan-2kan laa comment ye?supaya...aku bley laa betulkan blek.Ok,see ya soon ! peace ! ^^,

Monday, 19 December 2011

Memories To Be Remember

Assalammualaikum semua follower-2 yg setia dan snggup bace cite-2 ku selama niey.Hari niey aku nk share ckit cite.So,bce smpai hbis laa ye ?Ok,hari yg aku dan kwan-2 sekelas ku tnggu-2 telah pn tiba.Iaitu 14 Disember 2011.Sesiapa yg bace post ku yg sblom-2 niey,msti da fham sbb knape.Tp yg bru nk bace tuu aku bgtau laa sbb knpe..sbbnye ialah tarikh tuu laa yg menamatkan hubungan aku dengan sekolahku.Sebabnye?yupp,aku da abis belajar disekolah tuu.Macam-2 yg da berlaku kt sklh tuu sejak aku msok ke sekolah tuu dan bermacm-2 perangai yg telah aku jmpe.Tp tujuan aku post cite niey bknnye utk cite psal tuu sbnarnye.Tujuan sbnarku adalah berkongsi kegembiraan dan kerapatan aku dengan rakan-2 sekelasku.Walaupun aku penah menyakiti mereka dan ade juga yg aku bru tegur.Tetapi dlam 1 hari tuu,aku rasa mcm sdah lama aku kenal mereka semua.(Time For English) Thanxs guys ! i'll be remembering u guys for a long-2 time and i'm really-2 greatful that i meet u guys.Ok,here some picture of us after the final examination.

Class 5Ibr 2011
We're are close than ever !
"Syabas" To All 5Ibr Student
Happy Moment Ever !
Our class banquet
Our class banquet with Cikgu Jeffri
Cikgu Jeffri
"The Class Clown" at our class from the right Aboy,Tampin,Dayat,Takim and Kocik

In this picture there are still other members of our class that don't appear in this picture.Some of them went home,some of them is still in the hall and some of them don't want to join us.Our class is a special class,WHY? our class there so many type of person such as the quite one,the smart one,the sports person,the lazy one and many more !Oh yeah,our class member is the highers than the other class of Form 5 that is 32.In this picture too..There's our Cikgu Jeffri,he teachs us "Pengetahuan Sains Sukan".He's invited by our class because he's like our friends..if we could,we want to invited all of our teachers and sir.But we don't know if they are available or not.One more thing, in our class..there a teacher that really close to us all..she's like our very own mother or sister.She's really kind and loving person and she make us feels like we're at home.She is Pn. Norazian.All of us really like her,because she's always helping us and we're really wants to help her by paying attention when she's teaching us and scores at her subject.Our class teacher is the best too,because she's is just not our ordinary teacher..she's like our own sister.Her name is Pn. Nor Ana.If we really close to her,you will know what i mean.Many of our teachers and sirs are the best in the world.I'll hope they will be at pink always and blessed by Allah s.w.t.And guys,a small speech from me..

Maybe we always misunderstanding on something,
Argued on something,
But at that day,
We are closer than ever,
And what ever you do,
Don't forget about your yourself,
Your family,
Your friends,
Your Teachers,
And as long your are 5Ibr,
I hope we will meet again next year,
When we're come to the school,
To take our Examination result,
Well,see you guys next year ! ^^,

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

An Amazing Day !

Salam sume !okey ari niey aq nk share ckit cerita.Cite niey psal dri aq sndri.Okey-2,cmniey citenye b'mula..~
Pada 5hb Disember 2011,aq bgun dri tido dlam kira-2 jam 8 am.Bangun je trus mandi (sbb xsbar-2 nk jwab paper akaun kot  -.-" ) dan bersiap-2 laa mcm biase nk pegi sklh.Lpas tuu aq pn gerak laa dri rumah ke sklh.Smpai je sklh,mmg xda org laa kn?sbb member-2 aq sumenye dtg late mklum laa..paper start jam 11.15 am.Tapi aq je saje nk dtg awal.Mula-2 plan dtg awal tuu nk stdy kjap,tp bile difikir-2 kn blek..wt ape nk stdy,buang mase je..lbih baek aq rehatkan minda and refreshkan blek kpale otakku.Dapat laa aq tenangkan fikiran sblom masuk dewan.Tak lame kemudian tuu,aq nmpak sorg-2 smpai kt sklh.Tp mmg mcm aq niey brsungguh-2 btul nk jwab paper prinsip akaun tuu..gile laa.Selang beberape minit ketua pengawas pn sruh masuk dewan and "The Examination Begin" sejam setengah masa yg diambil utk jwab paper 1 akaun tuu.Abis je paper akaun tuu,aq pn ape lg cpat-2 laa mesej bapak aq ( maklum laa nk jimatkan kredit ).Paper 2 start jam 2.00 pm,so aq pegi mkan laa dlu dgan bapak aq kt rumah arwah atukku yg skang niey mak long aku jage,tp diey xda laa kt situ diey ade kt KL tp ble ade mase diey blek laa kt situ.Fokus utama aku bile smpai rumah tuu...( agak-2nye ape ??haha ).Cari tandas dlu !!sbb dri pagi td perutku memulas-2.Lepas abis meeting kt toilet tuu,bru laa aku makan.Then,bka laa tv channel sbb nk rilex kn minda sbb frust mnjawab paper 1 td.Tetibe terdetik plak hati aku niey nk tgk jam kt dlam phone.Guess what ? jam phone aku menunjukkan jam 1.51 pm ! dgan gilenye aku pn ckap dgan bapak aku,dengan rilex nye diey b'kata.."ha?da pukul 1.51 pm ke ?Lepas tuu aku pn ape lg,mcm org gile laa.Cpat-2 b'siap,pkai kasut masuk kereta.Bapak aku pn mula laa ckap cmniey "ala,belum start lgi tuu" dlam ati aku ckap "haa,yela tuu..".Mybe diey sje je nk tenangkan ati aku kot.Tak lame tuu smpai laa kt sklh,cpat-2 laa aku amik sume brang-2 kelengkapan IC dan lain-2.Bila masuk je sume da ade kt meja msing-2.Member aku plak smpat ckap kt aku time aku lalu kt sblah diey "Pergghh! senang poik" dgan muka penipu diey ( hahahaha ).Smpai je kt meja aku yg b'nombor ND021A022..aku pn mula laa bace soalan dan mnjawabnye dlam mase 2 jam setengah ku mnjawabnye.Bile aku pndang belakang je da cikit je bdk yg tinggal.Rmai yg da give up kot.Jam 4.30 pm sume kertas da diambil kt pengawas peperiksaan.Tp ade delay laa ckit sbb ade member aku tuu lambat nk bgi paper diey.Alasan diey ape kn ? "paper jawapan aku t'jatuh kt bwah,puas aku crik.." ish-3,aku puas laa nk cpat-2 kluar dri dewan tuu diey plak yg wt hal.Ape-2 pn dpat laa gak kluar xlame tuu.Kesimpulan cite aku niey ialah mula-2 aku laa org 1st smpai dewan tuu,lepas tuu aku laa paling lewat smpai dewan tuu bila paper 2.Pengajarannye ialah "Sila tepati waktu" dan jgn jdi mcm saya~
that's all ! thanks for reading ! please comment,and wait for my next's post !salam and sayonara ! >.<

Thursday, 1 December 2011

New !

Salam sume,disebabkan da a point nk update blog niey.So here it is..pada 30 November yg lepas,my dream have fulfill by purchasing my 1st Puma Cleats name Puma V4.11 i FG.Happy laa jgk dpat ape yg aq idamkan selama niey.Btw,lama jugak laa nk tunggu smpai dpat beli diey.Maklum laa mahal RM$.$$+.Msti nk taw kn mcm mne rupa bentuk Puma tuu kn?Niey aq ade beberapa gmbr diey.

Okey my next target is buying Nike's T90 Laser III FG.Time to save some money now !
all right ! i'll posting something new again,but i don't give a guarantee when i'll be posting new story.
p/s:sorry for the mixed language,im not to good with english. -.-"

Monday, 28 November 2011

My Next Move

Oh,oh,oh,oh...xsangka plak aq mula buka blek blog niey then update skali.Igatkan nk stop skjap,cause SPM kn? tp ape salahnye kn?Lagi pn niey sume utk memenuhi permintaan sorang bdak pmpn niey.Sebab nk menghormati permintaan dia,aq pn mula laa buka blog yg xseberapa niey blek.Yang lawak tuu ade sesetengah org ckap blog aq niey "NICE".Rsenye xde laa nice sgat berbanding ngan blog-2 org lain yg lg KELAS gitu..Alamak ! telalu khusyuk bercerita lupa plak,Assalamuaalikum semua.Mybe korg sume tertnye-2 kn what's up with the title,right ?Ok,aq akn mula bercerita.Skarang niey aq still dlam mood SPM dan da 7 paper sudah lepas.Then,tinggal lg 2 paper lg iaitu Prinsip Perakaunan paper 1&2 and Pengetahuan Sains Sukan paper 1&2 sumenye subjek elektif.Mksud title aq niey sbnarnye ialah plan selepas abis sume paper iaitu 14 Disember 2011.Tak nak cite pnjang-2,lpas abis paper last tuu aq ade plan ngan bdk-2 niey with two of my BFF sbb aq da jnji nk "expenses them lunch".Promise is a promise,i will fulfill my promise to them.After that,mybe aq akn mula ringan-2 kn mulut utk brtnye kt org utk crik kerja smentara tggu result blan 3 tahun depan.Klaw ade mase,aq akn updatekan lg blog niey.Oyeah,lupe how's the new look for my blog ?ok ke k.o ?haha..Insyallah aq akn updatekan blog niey..till then~ ackles signing out.. (V)

Sunday, 23 October 2011


Wow ! lame da rsenye xusik blog niey.Bley dikatekan berhabuk laa jgak.Bkanye ape,niey sume disbbkn oleh xde mase,laptop rosak dan mcm-2 lg laa kn..(bknnye ape,mlas nk cite sbnarnye).Tp ade 1 lg sbb yg mmg xbley nk dielakkan SPM.Perrgghh,pejam celik-2 da nk spm.Cpat btul mse blalu..rse tua pn da muncul da..(adoi..-.-").Ape pun spm da dkat..soo~ no more playing around.Subjek-2 yg difokuskn pn kne skor.Kpd kwn-2 yg bace post niey dan nk ambik SPM jgak(i wish u all to the best and study smart don't study hard!).Oyeah ! almost forgot,sekolah ku da mcm bkn sklah yg normal da,jdual pn mkin lame mkin gile.Tak tau laa mybe sbb kte org batch akhir sblom sklh tuu jdi sekolah sukan yg betul-2 sklh skan,pihak sklah pn buat laa bende-2 yg xpenah sklah lain buat..(entah laa,ikot firasat aku laa).Ok laa,klaw ade mse dan umur yg pnjg akan ku update lg pkmbangan-2 trkini.Kbye..;)

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Assalamuaalikum semua warga-2 blogger sekalian and not forget to the i don't feel like doing anything~haha..of coz NO ! hari ni merupakan hari yang ke-2 kita berpuasa bagi orang yang beragama muslim.Saya disini ingin mengucapkan:-
Selamat Berpuasa
Selamat Bersahur
Selamat Berbuka
Selamat Berterawikh
Selamat Menjawab Trial
Selamat Menyambut Hari  KE"MERDEKA"AN !
Selamat Ulangkaji
Selamat Selamat &
Selamat Beribadah (:

Ok,menaipnya saya disini..ingin memberitahu cerita-2 yang telah pun saya lalui dalam saat-2 ingin berpuasa.1st sekali,pada hari Jumaat bersamaan dengan 29 Julai..Kami bercadang untuk membuat pelawanan friendly terakhir kerana antara sebabnya adalah sebelum Bulan Ramadhan tiba kami inginkan perlawanan yang memenatkan dengan itu..badan kami telah cukup bersedia untuk menyambut Bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini.(okok..dah-2 laa tuu dgan ayat formal ni..haha)

Pada keesokan harinye..kami bersiap sedia dgn barang-2 keperluan dan trus bertolak ke tempat yg telah dibincangkan.Kami bertolak dlam kire-2 pkul 10.00 a.m(mengikut jam G- Shock aq laa)dgan 2 buah kereta dan sbuah motosikal berjenama EX-5 Boon Siew berwarna Blue (Promote-2 !!).Tak lame kemudian,selang beberapa minit..kami tiba ditempat yang dijanjikan dengan muka selambenye kami trun kereta dgn megah !(haha..cite aq plak).Tp xde sorng pon yg ade kt situ..=_="
Aq ngan member aq pon ape lg kn?
Ambik motor dan merempit ke rumah org yg kami ingin lawan.
Sampai je rumah diey,rupe2nye dorg ingat lawan petang..
ape lg laa an?diey pon cepat-2 laa crik ngan pnggil bdak-2 diey.Tak lame tuu aq jmpe kmbr aq kt umah member aq(amir),diey didapati bahawa tidak ingin join utk plawanan tersebut antas faktor cuaca panas !Dlam kol 11 lebih bru laa kami semua dpat mulakan permainan.Kami semua bermain dengan baik sekali !(haha..rsenye bley challenge Barcelona da).Bnyak peluang dan ruang telah kami guna..dan ada juga yg sia-2.Part pling xbley aq lupekan..kaki aq kne but..(smpai skang terase lg...=_=").Mase pon berlalu dgan pantas tau-2 je da 2nd half dgan tiada jaringan dan air mula trun skit demi sdkit.Pd sesape yg xpham tuu mksudnye HUJAN.Dengan muka selambernye,kami tetap meneruskan pelawanan.Kami sume relex je~come on laa..we're BOYS laa !!Msuknye 2nd half..kami mendpat jaringan prtama yg dijaringkan oleh Captain kami iaitu Aiman hasil dri gerakan cntik solo diey itu telah membuahkan hasil dgan jaringan.Slpas itu jaringan ke-2 pula ialah dri sye sndri iaitu Aidil hasil dri rembatan dri luar kotak D yg telah pon mengakibatkan 2 permain mereka OLEY ! iaitu midfield dan keeper mreka.Hujan masih trun ttapi mula menunjukkan tnda-2 ingin berhenti.Tak lame selepas gol ke-2,kami telah mendpatkn lg jaringan utk ke-3 yg dijaringkan oleh Faiz a.k.a(kembar aq) dgan header yg cntik skali hasil dri free kick yg diambil oleh Aiman dan punca free kick itu ialah dri sliding tackle yg terkena kaki Aidil (spe tuu??haha) ditmbah dgan kepakaran berlakon sakit(haha..p/s:jgan buat-2 aq mmg kne mse tuu..).Hoorreeeyyy ! kami mng dgan jaringan 3 tanpa balas.Ini merupakan kemenangan yg bermakna utk pasukan PH FC sempena kedtangan bulan Ramadhan.
Tamat laa sudah cerita-2 reality ini....:)

Monday, 25 July 2011

The Unexpected Day~

Assalammualikum to everyone that still following my blog.Today i want to share with you all about what were happen to my day.For those who are wondering what is "The Unexpected Day" is,you must continue your reading !( is obviously have to keep reading..haha..just kidding around) start from when i went to school like always and after along nagging at the school offical rally.The boys are have been calls to stay at the hall and i hear a buzzing sound from some of the boys saying that "Bald Operations".The first thing that i thinks of is WTF?!?.Are those teacher and sir hate us?!? i once have been bald by them ! its is frustrating !.After that,me with my friend plan to hide at the back of the stage of the hall,but i have to encounter with my teacher for the "English Workshop" for tomorrow.Then,i decide to go for the meeting.I were save by the meeting.(Thank God ! that was a close one !haha).After the meeting were end,i should entered the hall again,because the operation are not done yet ! but suddenly i have to go to the toilet !haha !im save again !my friend too have a stomach ache,we're decided to go together to finish our job ! (haha..xD).After a long long long long learning..its the time that all of the students are waiting for~ that is...return home other words..GO BACK HOME !.Okey,im not finish yet my story..after a long wait,my father should pick me up..!but suddenly my father said.."Duduk luar dulu..Kereta da terlampau panas."from that, i know..this is gonna be hard.Then we're waited the engine to cool down.After that,my father send the car to a workshop.We're waited for 2 hour and a half for the car to be is "A Unexpected Day"for me~ =_="
thats all from me ! till then ! :D

Friday, 15 July 2011

Sergio Leonel "Kun" Agüero

Sergio Leonel "Kun" Agüero ialah striker dari kelab  Atletico Madrid.Seperti yang anda boleh memang meminati Aguero kerana kelincahan beliau mengawal bola dan kepantasan yang dimiliki beliau telah menarik perhatian aq dan dia menjadi sumber inspirasi aq bila bermain bola sepak.Skarang korg da tau kn? sbb knape aq gune gmbr Aguero (haha).Klau korg nak tahu,dia lahir pada 2 Jun 1988 di Quilmes,Argentina.Untuk mengetahuan semua Aguero ni telah mewakili Argentina pada usia yang muda !.Dia juga pernah memenangi GOLDEN BOOT dan juga GOLDEN BALL(habis sume dia nk...=_=").Aguero mendapat nama "kun " daripada cerita anime jepun bertajuk " KUM KUM " yg diberi dripd datuk dan neneknya...Klaw korg nk tahu..Aguero sdah pn berkahwin dgan ank kepada Maradona iaitu Giannina Maradona dan memiliki seorg chaya mata lelaki.

Sergio Kun Aguero

Kun Aguero And Diego Forlan
Two Strikers Of Atletico Madrid

In his Argentina Jersy

Kehidupan dia memang susah.Ibunya suri rumah dan bapanya pulak pemandu teksi.Dia mmpunyai 7 org adik-beradik dan dia anak ke-2.Dia mula bermain bola ketika umurnye msih mude..Dia juga penah berkata"the best place for children to learn how to play football was on the street ".Aguero memakai jersi bernombor 10 (Atletico Madrid) jersi bernombor 16 (Argentina)

Oooppss....lupe plak nk taw Aguero niey pon dri Game bola yg aq selalu main.Disbbkn kehebatanye dri pn meringan2kn jari untuk search video atau pun mengambil tau serba sedikit tentang dri dia.Enough of that, skarang ini..berlangsungnya Copa America..Aguero da menyelamatkn Argentina dri kekalahan dengan gol last2 minutes ! untk keputusan DRAW 1-1 menentang Bolivia dan telah menjaringkn 2 gol menentang Costa Rica.Ffuuhhh~ckup membanggekn aq..

My Fav. Player !

Friday, 27 May 2011

My V!ew of Football/Soccer

Bola sepak...ramai orang tau pasal bola...tapi msih ade sesetangah yg org xtaw menahu lgsung psal bola sepak...(ish3...spe laa tuu an??) dri dlu lgi sukan bola sepak ni da ade...
Buat pengetahuan semua...dlu aq niey..xlaa berape minat ngan bola niey...pandangan aq ngan bola niey...biase2 taw psal bola niey time sklah dlu niey kaki bangku...kaki meja dan sewaktu ngan xpnah terfikir pn nk improve skill,shooting,passing dan sbgainye...(da time tuu aq pemalas..haha...xD).Bermulanye tahun mula membuka pintu hati aq dgan bola ingin tahu serba sikit tntng bola ni...smpai snggup aq berjage...nk tgk FIFA pnye psal....
logo FIFA 2006

Sbb nape aq pn nk berjage mlm???msti laa sbb klaw aq xtaw psal bola niey...malu laa kt kwn2 aq...pas 2 klaw korg nk taw...kt sklah aq...bila da abis UPSR...skolah aq akn wt aktiviti mcm tournament..kire diey wt ala2 league mcm EPL , LA LIGA ,LEAGUE 1
dan sbgainye...
diey wt plawanan antare
sume kelas tahun 6.Aq mse tuu mmg excited gler2 ! 
nk lawan bola sepak niey...wlaupun aq dlam glongan org
xreti (a.k.a kaki bangku..haha..:p).
Tp sbb minat pnye tetap nk maen jgak...
dalam sume2 klas tahun 6klas yg pling dkatekn terer time tuu..
ialah klas 6 mwar 3 atau pn pd mase tu 6 melati.
Knape aq ckp klas tuu hbat??
sbbnye ade spruh dri bdk klas tuu yg main bola untuk sekolah..
kire dorg ade pgalaman laa...
Klas aq ade laa jgak yg pndai dlam bola niey...
mse tuu aq main dlam posisi midfield attacker...
mmg bile time nk menyerang je...mmg aq laa yg ikot sklai naik...
bila kne serang jgak g tlong trun...
overall mmg gler2 laa time tuu...da laa xpndai main...main hantam je..
wakakakaka...mklum laa budak lg time tuu...
dlam tournament tuu kelas aq dpat 6ber 3...
errmmm...=_=" .Ape bley wt...da xterer...time msok form mula..
kurang menonton plawanan bola...sbbnye...mybe aq byk tumpukan...
minat aq kt Warcraft 3:The Frozen Throne...(
hahaha...mmg melalaikan..tuu pn bley dianggap sukan tuu ! 
sbb diey pnyk mnggunakan jari ngan kepekaaan..hahaha...
tuu sbb aq mule kurang ambik taw psal bola...
hingga laa aq msok form 4...minat aq dalam sukan niey...
makin membuak-buak....hingga laa skrang...form 5....dan skrang...
aq bermain dlam posisi wing,second strike dan juga midfield...
bermulanye ngan pelbagai jenis kaki...dan akhirnye...menjadi player
harapan di teamku "Parit Height FC".Aq akan bekerja keras dlam sukan
yg aq minati ni...supaye aq bley...msok dalam team pling aq sanjungi...
tidak lain tidak bukan LIVERPOOL !.Aq memegangkan kata2 semangat
aq sndri iaitu"wlaupun liverpool kalah atau menang,Hati ku tetap Liverpool !"
Liverpool...antare kelab gergasi di EPL...menjadi kelab favourite ku...
wlaupun dlam musim 2010/2011 agk kurang tetap
berpegang teguh dgn kelab ini !wlaupn aq rase mmg mustahil untuk
memasuki kelab akan berusah sedaya upaya...supaya...
aq bley wt benda yg mustahil...!Musuh tradisi kelab ini tidak lain..
tidak bukan...MANCHESTER UNITED,CHELSEA dan tidak lupa...

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Ghost Adventure !

Today i want share a bit about my fav. television series that is as u can see at the title^^,Ghost Adventure.Ghost Adventures is a weekly American paranormal television series that premiered on October 17, 2008 on the Travel Channel. Currently produced by MY-Tupelo Entertainment (amerger of MY Entertainment and Tupelo-Honey Productions),the program follows and starsghost hunters Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, and Aaron Goodwin, as they investigate locations that are reported to be haunted. Hosted and narrated by Bagans, the show initially airs new episodes on Fridays at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on the Travel Channel. The tagline of the series is: "Can you handle the lockdown?"
Self-considered "raw" and "extreme," the program originally began as an independentdocumentary television film, which was filmed by the crew in 2004 and produced by 4Reel Productions in 2006. The Sci-Fi Channel first presented 4Reel's Ghost Adventures on July 25, 2007. The documentary centers on the trio's investigation of alleged paranormal activity in and around Virginia City, Nevada, which the crew returned to on the third season of the series,and in Goldfield, Nevada in which the crew returned to in order to finish their lockdown at theGoldfield Hotel.

Ghost adventures.jpg
Ghost Adventures
Created byZak Bagans
Nick Groff
Written byZak Bagans
Nick Groff
Directed byZak Bagans
Nick Groff
Presented byZak Bagans
Nick Groff
StarringZak Bagans
Nick Groff
Aaron Goodwin
Narrated byZak Bagans
Country of originUnited States
No. of seasons5
No. of episodes49 plus 7 specials (List of episodes)
Executiveproducer(s)Zak Bagans
Nick Groff
Editor(s)Zak Bagans
Nick Groff
Location(s)United States
United Kingdom (2 episodes)
Italy (1 episode)
Canada (1 episode)
CinematographyZak Bagans
Nick Groff
Aaron Goodwin
Camera setupMultiple
Running time45 minutes
Productioncompany(s)4Reel Productions (documentary film)
MY Entertainment (season 1)
MY-Tupelo Entertainment (after season 1)
DistributorTravel Channel
Original channelTravel Channel
Picture format480i (SDTV)
1080i (HDTV)
Original runOctober 17, 2008 – present
Preceded byGhost Adventures (2006 documentary film)
Followed byGhost Adventures Live(2009)

Cast and crew

The permanent members of the cast and crew are Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, and Aaron Goodwin. All three of them studied film and say that something evil followed them home after investigating Bobby Mackey's Music World.
Aaron Goodwin, Zak Bagans, and Nick Groff (left to right) at Death Valley from the introduction of the series.

Zak Bagans

Zachary Alexander "Zak" Bagans (born on April 5, 1977, in Washington, D.C.) is the lead investigator and host of the series. Formerly working as a wedding DJ, he is also an executive producer and editor of the show. As of September 2010, GAC's membership consists of over 730 paranormal organizations.He currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Also, he has a Yorkie named Ridley.
Being a former skeptic himself, Bagans says that his passion for investigating the paranormal resulted from a face-to-face encounter with the spirit of a suicidal woman who haunted his old apartment building in Trenton, Michigan in 2002.Afterward, his life-changing experience caused him to actively pursue capturing video evidence of the afterlife.In the introduction of each episode, Bagans states:
My name is Zak Bagans. I never believed in ghosts until I came face to face with one. So I set out on a quest to capture what I once saw onto video. With no big camera crews following us around, I am joined only by my fellow investigator Nick Groff and our equipment tech Aaron Goodwin. The three of us will travel to some of the most highly active paranormal locations, where we will spend an entire night, being locked down from dusk until dawn. Raw; extreme; these are our Ghost Adventures.
Using a self-described religious, scientific, and emotional approach,Bagans is known and criticized for his aggressive and confrontational methods used during investigations; however, he maintains that he respects the afterlife and only provokes evil entities in order to elicit responses. In a June 2009 interview with the Paranormal Underground magazine, he stated, "I don't want the public perceiving us as the taunting, provocative ghost hunters. We do that only to the bad spirits who we know are attacking the living."Bagans also mentions this concept in various interviews and episodes throughout the series.
In season 3, Bagans summarized his greatest fears while climbing an aged staircase inside a shot tower at the Remington Arms factory: "Heightssnakes, freakish dolls, and clowns... those are on Zak's top four I-don't-like list."Zak encountered situations involving these fears in the episodes at Sloss FurnacesIdaho State Penitentiary, and the Riddle House, respectively.
In a 2010 special, Bagans said his "scariest moments" (at his top three creepiest places he listed in a 2009 interview) include feeling a "burning" sensation on his back while being scratched by a demonic entity in the basement at Bobby Mackey's Music World,being partially possessed by a spirit at the Preston School of Industry,and being overwhelmed by "some dark energy" while on PovegliaIsland.

Nick Groff

Nicholas Jesse "Nick" Groff (born on April 19, 1980, in San Jose, California) is a co-investigator, co-host and cameraman on the series. He is also an executive producer and editor of the show. Groff is also the co-founder of the GAC. He and his wife, and baby daughter Annabelle currently reside in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Groff's family moved to Nashua, New Hampshire when he was 1. He spent the early years of his childhood in Nashua before his family moved to Salem, New Hampshire, and then later to Pelham.
Groff's fascination and curiosity of the paranormal began since childhood, during which he had experienced phenomena that he could not explain. When he was 8, he saw a figure on an old cul-de-sac on Lancaster Road in Salem, New Hampshire. After graduating from Pelham High School, Groff studied film at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he met his good friend Aaron Goodwin. Following college, Groff became a ghost hunter. After Groff met and befriended Bagans during Groff's wedding in Las Vegas, the two partnered with mutual interests to investigate the paranormal. Recently, Groff and his wife had a baby girl named Annabelle Groff.
One of Groff's most life-changing experiences was being apparently possessed by an entity at the Moon River Brewing Company inSavannah, Georgia.Another such experience, which startled him, was an alleged face-to-face encounter with a female spirit at the Linda Vista Community Hospital in Los Angeles, California.

Aaron Goodwin

Aaron Hilton Goodwin (born on April 1, 1976, in Eugene, Oregon) is an equipment techniciancamera operator, co-host and a co-investigator on the series. In need of a cameraman for their documentary, Groff introduced him to Bagans to assist them with primary filming and B-roll taping. Originally from Portland, Oregon, he currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Before joining Bagans and Groff, Goodwin had worked as a camera operator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and several behind-the-scenes film premieres in Las Vegas.Before his experiences at Virginia City, Nevada,he "never really thought twice about ghosts." Goodwin looks perpetually terrified on the show and now considers himself "a 100 percent – no, a 1,000 percent – believer."Often left alone on "hotspots" within the locations under investigation, Goodwin has been portrayed as "bait" to attract supposed ghostly spirits.
At Preston Castle, the crew claimed that marks similar to those on Bagan's back appeared on Goodwin's left leg as he felt them.
In the episode "Return to Bobby Mackey's" of season 3, Bagans asked Goodwin if he believes that their first investigation of the nightclub in the first season affected his personal life. Goodwin answered that he was "80 percent" sure that the effects of the investigation ended his marriage.He said that he and his ex-wife had nightmares that were related to Bobby Mackey's Music World and spoke of how these nightmares affected their relationship. Aaron also had indicated that his former wife would report to him, that she was being attacked by something evil, while Aaron was on the road. According to that series of statements, Aaron indicated that while his ex-wife and he remain best friends, they did end their marriage in an effort to remove her from being affected.


Bagans, Groff, and Goodwin investigate reportedly haunted locations mostly in the United States, hoping to collect visual or auditory evidence of paranormal activity. Each episode begins with the trio touring the investigation site with its owners or caretakers. These introductions typically include Bagan's voice-overs of the "dark" histories of the places and interviews with people who claim to have witnessed paranormal phenomena at the location. The crew places X's with black or gray tape at the sites of alleged activity and later returns to set static night-visioncameras on these "hotspots."
After completing the walkthrough, the three men plan their strategy and then are "locked down" into the location by themselves ("to prevent any kind of audio contamination") for an overnight ("from dusk until dawn") investigation. During the "lockdown," they use a variety of equipment, including digital thermometersEMF meters, handheld digital video cameras, digital audio recorders, and infrared night-vision cameras in an effort to document evidence to support paranormal events. On some investigations, the members follow provocative techniques, such as using "trigger objects" and aggressive language, in an attempt to increase their chances of capturing such phenomena. At the end of some episodes, the investigators analyze their audio,photos, and video footage (often with the assistance of "paranormal experts") and present any unexplained phenomena that were captured.
Throughout the series, the crew claims to have captured and experienced various anomalousphenomena, some of which occurred almost simultaneously: equipment malfunction, like battery drainage; EMF spikes, or fluctuations in electromagnetic fields; sudden changes in temperature (increase, decrease, or both); unexplained noises; electronic voice phenomena (EVPs);apparitions,shadow people, mists, and orbs; physical contact and harm; moving objects;spirit possessions; and other phenomena, like responses in an Ovilus and drainage of an EM Pump.So far, the investigators believe to have experienced and filmed three apparent possessions. Bagans believes that he was possessed twice: first at the Preston School of Industry and second at Poveglia. Groff, who admitted that he had never believed in possessions, now claims that he was possessed once at the Moon River Brewing Company.
                            PICTURE OF THE CREW
Zak Bagans

Nick Groff
Aaron Goodwin

Series overview

18October 17, 2008December 5, 2008
28June 5, 2009July 24, 2009
310November 6, 2009January 8, 2010
423September 17, 2010{TBA}


The documentary film received several awards, including the 2006 Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (NYIIFVF).Released on DVD on August 18, 2009, seasons 1 and 2 and the original documentary are currently available at
Occasionally conducting public investigations with fans and paranormal enthusiasts, the trio appeared and were interviewed on MauryFox 19NewsNBC's Today, and TV Guide Network's Hollywood 411.In 2009, the series won 3 International Paranormal Acknowledgement (IPA) Awards.In 2010, the program also won 2 Spooktalkular Parawards.

International broadcasts

The show currently airs on the W Channel.
The show currently airs on Canal 9.
The show currently airs on MTV3 Fakta.
The show currently airs on Syfy.
Hong Kong
The show currently airs on AXN.
The show currently airs on AXN and Animax.
The show aired on ntv7 until Season 3 and currently airs on AXN.
The show currently airs on AXN.
The show currently airs on AXN Sci-Fi.
The show currently airs on TV4 Fakta.
The show currently airs on TV4 Fakta.
The show currently airs on AXN Beyond and True x-Zyte.
United Kingdom
The show currently airs on Sky Living